Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Famous Peterson Apple Pie Recipe

(Sorry, I forgot to take a picture before eating the pie, but it looked so good I got ahead of myself) :)

Pie Crust (Two crusts) - Ill explain later
3/4 cup butter flavored Crisco
1 tsp. salt
1/4 cup water
1 tsp. milk
2 cups flour

Pie Filling- (for one pie)- Ill also explain later
5 large green apples or 6-8 small apples
1 1/4 cup sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp lemon juice
3/4 cup flour
Butter (dot top of pie)

Pie Topping - (for one pie)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup flour
1/2 cup brown sugar

Instructions and explanations:
The pie ingredients were originally made for one pie with a crust on bottom, pie filling in the middle and crust on top, but my mom has her special pie topping which makes it so famous. If you want to make the traditional apple pie with crust on bottom and top you can, but of course it doesn't taste as good without the yummy sugary topping.
Crust instructions:
I always start with making the crust. I put Crisco and water in a microwavable bowl for 1 min. Then add salt, milk and flour. Mix well with hands! :) Spilt into two evenly as possible balls. Put one pie crust ball in between two pieces of wax paper and use a rolling pin to make a circle to fit your pie pan. To make the edges of the pie crust I use my thumb and index finger on my left hand and thumb on right hand and push together. It should make a triangle shape. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't look pretty because it takes a lot of practice. ALSO don't forget to take a fork and poke little holes on the bottom of pie crust. REPEAT with second pie crust.
Pie Filling instructions: (Double recipe if your making the famous Peterson apple pie)
I use an apple peeler which spins the apple into a spiral,peals the apple for me and takes out the core of the apple, which is nice! :) But if you don't have an apple peeler, make sure you peel the apple and cut apple into small pieces. Add lemon juice to the apples. Mix sugar, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, and flour in separate bowl and mix well. Add to apple bowl. Pour apple mixture into pie pan.
Pie Topping Instructions: (Double recipe if your making the famous Peterson apple pie)
Mix cinnamon, flour, and brown sugar in separate bowl. Put on top of Pie filling which should be inside the crust. Top with dots of butter.

Bake at 350 degrees for 45mins-1hour. I usually check after 30 mins to make sure the crust isn't burn. If it is starting to get brown I would take foil and cut it to cover crust only.
(I hope these directions aren't confusing, if so don't hesitate to ask questions!)

1 comment:

Diana Aiko Harris said...

Minor mistake! :) I meant to say Rolling pin not Rolling Pie, but I figure you probably knew what I meant! Jennie if you would like to correct it that would be great!